Question of
developable land at EPCAL remains unanswered: lawyer
Mar 18, 2019, 11:08 am

portion of 1,643 acres being sold by the town to a Triple Five Group affiliate
that’s actually developable won’t be known until long after the deal has
closed, Riverhead Town’s special counsel told the town board last week.
Town’s decision to sell that much vacant land at the Calverton Enterprise Park
for $40 million triggered controversy from the moment it was announced in March
that point, the town was attempting to market less than half that amount of
land and had entertained at least two offers for roughly the same amount.
The decision two years ago to pursue a
sale of nearly all the town’s remaining vacant acreage to Luminati Aerospace
for the same price was defended by former supervisor Sean Walter with the
argument that state environmental regulations would not allow for the
development of more than 600.
To support his contention, Walter
produced a copy of the subdivision map prepared by the town’s engineering
consultants that DEC staff had “red-lined” in 2012 to indicate areas they
considered developable. Conveying the undevelopable acreage to the buyer would
relieve the town of responsibility for the remaining vacant land, Walter said
at the time. He said the cost of “mowing the grass” on the vacant land could be
as much as $100,000 a year.
town’s special counsel Frank Isler, who has been working on the deal since the
town board unanimously authorized the letter of intent with Luminati Aerospace
on April 4, 2017, told board members Thursday the State Department of
Environmental Conservation has never given the town any sort of official
determination of what areas of the former Grumman site can be developed.
Isler told board members the town shouldn’t expect the DEC to formally weigh in
on that question in the future.
“When can we expect to get a definitive
answer from the DEC on how many acres of land is developable?” Councilman Tim
Hubbard asked Isler at the board’s Thursday work session.
“You will not get a decision in this
process at all from the DEC on that question,” Isler told him.
DEC is only going to look at [the state Wild, Scenic and Recreational Rivers
Act] permit for the subdivision,” Isler explained, “nothing to do with the
development of the property at all.”
town board, sitting as the board of the Riverhead Community Development Agency,
which holds title to the EPCAL site, has amended a prior 50-lot subdivision
application it filed with the Riverhead planning board in 2014. The new
application seeks to divide the land into just eight lots, three of which would
be transferred to Calverton Aviation and Technology pursuant to its purchase
agreement with the CDA.
“After we sell the property the
applicant will have to come in with a site plan application and will have to
show the DEC they’re not proposing to build in sensitive areas regarding
habitat,” Isler said.
going to have to get approval or blessing from the DEC, more likely than not,
they’ll have to get a taking permit from the DEC,” he said, referring to a new
permit requirement under ‘incidental take’ regulations adopted by the DEC in
2010 aimed at enhancing protection of endangered and threatened species.
said he attended a meeting at the DEC “a year or so ago” with the prospective
told the purchasers development is going to depend on where they want to place
their development, Isler said.
[the town] had placed it where they knew there was going to be impact, so we
had to come up with a plan to preserve areas for habitat,” Isler said. “They have a blank slate right
now,” he said.
that will drive how much development and where the development will be.
Whatever they do in terms of development there and wherever it goes, they’re
going to have to go through SEQRA on whatever application they submit,” Isler
said, referring to the process of review under the State Environmental Quality
Review Act.
“You won’t know where or how much is
being developed until we’re no longer owning the property,” Isler told town
board members.
closing is not contingent on any future approvals, Isler noted.
Calverton Aviation and Technology — successor to Luminati Aerospace in the deal
— is currently in a second, 90-day “due diligence” period allowed by the
contract of sale.
CAT has
until May 20 to give the town notice it will proceed with the purchase. If it
notifies the town it intends to proceed, the town has one year from the date of
notice to file the amended subdivision map. To be able to do so, the town needs
approvals of the subdivision from the Riverhead planning board and the Suffolk
County Department of Health Services, as well as a permit from the DEC under
the Wild, Scenic and Recreational Rivers Act (because a portion of the site is
within the WSRR boundary.)
Laura Jens-Smith said the town has been been working on the subdivision map
revision since before CAT signed the purchase agreement in November. Town
planners have been doing a “consistency analysis,” comparing the revised map
with the original 50-lot map to determine whether the previous SEQRA
environmental analysis is sufficient to cover the new application.
revised maps were to be submitted to the Riverhead planning board Thursday,
Isler said. The application is on the planning board’s March 21 agenda for
discussion, he said.
town will file an application with the Suffolk County health department next
month as soon as it concludes SEQRA review, planning administrator Jefferson
Murphree told the board.
the town has been moving forward with upgrade and expansion plans for the
Calverton sewage treatment plant. The town board has scheduled a March 19
hearing on more than $3 million of additional borrowing required to fund the
cost of the upgrade, which has gone up since the town first authorized more
than $7 million in bonds 10 years ago to cover a portion of the cost. It has
obtained state and county grants to underwrite the project.
length of time it will take to obtain the required health department approval
is unknown and out of the town’s control, officials said.
If the
health department grants the town an exemption because of the large size of the
eight proposed lots, the application will be expedited, Isler said.
“If we
have to go through a full review it’s anybody’s guess,” he cautioned. “It will
likely be five months or more. The DEC permit will take five or six months,”
Isler said.
asked if the approvals could be wrapped up by the fall.
“If the
stars line up,” Isler answered.
There is a scandal buried in the previous
Republican Town Board's gift of 1,000 additional acres for the same price to
Luminati, then to CAT. The Republican majority of the current Board has
perpetuated the scandal.
The contract must be voided based on its history and its content. At a minimum, it must be divested of the 1,000 acres.
If the Ghermezians hid from the Board the adjudicated real estate fraud of their principal representative, they clearly did not have the integrity to be qualified and eligible. They should be required to explain what they knew and when they knew it before the deal goes forward.
Luminati and Triple Five were a match made in heaven.
Wake up Riverhead before we become a subsidiary of the Ghermezians.
The contract must be voided based on its history and its content. At a minimum, it must be divested of the 1,000 acres.
If the Ghermezians hid from the Board the adjudicated real estate fraud of their principal representative, they clearly did not have the integrity to be qualified and eligible. They should be required to explain what they knew and when they knew it before the deal goes forward.
Luminati and Triple Five were a match made in heaven.
Wake up Riverhead before we become a subsidiary of the Ghermezians.
Town attorney outlines
next steps in EPCAL sale to Calverton Aviation & Technology
03/15/2019 6:00 AM
Calverton Aviation & Technology faces a May 20 deadline to
decide if it will moving forward with the purchase of 1,643 acres of land from
Riverhead Town for $40 million. After that, many of the next steps are up to
the town, according to Frank Isler, the attorney representing the town on
the Enterprise Park at Calverton sale.
Mr. Isler gave an update at
Thursday’s Town Board work session on the steps needed for the EPCAL
After May 20, the town has one
year from to get approval of an eight-lot subdivision of EPCAL, with three of
those lots being sold to CAT.
The approval must be received
from all the agencies involved, which would be the town Planning Board, town
board, county health department and state Department of Environmental
The DEC approval is only for
permission to build in a section of the state’s Wild, Scenic and Recreational
Rivers Act, which limits development near the Peconic River, Mr. Isler said.
Mr. Isler said work on that
subdivision has already begun, as papers are being filed with the Planning
Board and the amended map will be introduced to the Planning Board at its work
session next Thursday, at 3 p.m.
“We’ve been working on this
since they signed the contract,” Supervisor Laura Jens-Smith said.
Mr. Isler said the Planning
Board plans to vote to schedule a public hearing on the subdivision on its
April 4 meeting, and that hearing would take place at the May 2 meeting.
If this all sounds familiar,
it’s because the town and the Planning Board already went through subdivision
hearing process several years ago when the officials were proposing a 50-lot
subdivision, which was prior to CAT being involved.
That subdivision was never
“We feel this should go fairly expeditiously because this is a lesser
development plan,” Mr. Isler said of the eight-lot plan.
He said he hopes the Planning
Board, on April 4, will also make a finding under the State Environmental
Quality Review Act, which will enable the application to go before the county
health department as well.
The proposed upgrade and
expansion of the Calverton Sewer District and of the Riverhead Water District
to the EPCAL land also is needed, and these items will be before the Town
CAT is currently in its second
90-day “due diligence period” on the property. The first once expired Feb. 20
and they requested another one, as permitted under the agreement with the town.
In turn, CAT has made two $500,000 down payments on the property, which are
being kept in escrow.
“When can we get a definitive answer from the DEC as to how many acres
will be developable?” Councilman Tim Hubbard asked.
When the property was proposed for sale to a company called Suffolk
County Industrial Development LLC, then-Supervisor Sean Walter said many times
that the DEC would only allow about 600 acres of the EPCAL site to be
But when he proposed to sell the land to Luminati Aerospace — which is
currently a 20 percent owner of CAT, with Triple Five Group owning the rest —
he proposed selling the whole 1,643 acres of undeveloped land that the town
still owned.
Ms. Jens-Smith says the town has received no guidance from the state as
to how many acres CAT can develop at EPCAL.
“You will not get a decision in this process from the DEC,” Mr. Isler
The DEC approval in this
application is only to the WSRRA act, Mr. Isler said.
“That’s all they’re looking
at,” he said. “It will have nothing to do with development of the property.”
After the property is sold, the
applicant will need to go before the town for site plan approval and they will
mostly likely have to show the DEC that they are not building in
environmentally sensitive areas.
It’s possible they will need a
“incidental take permit” from the DEC to allow development in areas where
endangered or threatened species are located.
They also will likely need a
SEQRA study, although some of it may have already been studied by the town’s
SEQRA study, he said.
“You won’t know where or how much is being developed until we are no
longer own the property,” Mr. Isler said.
Deputy Town Attorney Anne Marie
Prudenti said any site
plan approval will involve an analysis of whether the development plans are
consistent with the town’s Reuse and Revitalization Plan for EPCAL.
“Even if all the other agencies find that it is consistent, it’s going
to be this Town Board that has final say,” she said.
There is a scandal buried in the previous
Republican Town Board's gift of 1,000 additional acres for the same price to
Luminati, then to CAT. The Republican majority of the current Board has
perpetuated the scandal.
The contract must be voided based on its history and its content. At a minimum, it must be divested of the 1,000 acres that were included under false pretenses as being undevelopable.
If the Ghermezians hid from the Board the adjudicated real estate fraud of their principal representative, they clearly did not have the integrity to be qualified and eligible. They should be required to explain what they knew and when they knew it before the deal goes forward.
Luminati and Triple Five were a match made in heaven.
Wake up Riverhead before we become a subsidiary of the Ghermezians.
The contract must be voided based on its history and its content. At a minimum, it must be divested of the 1,000 acres that were included under false pretenses as being undevelopable.
If the Ghermezians hid from the Board the adjudicated real estate fraud of their principal representative, they clearly did not have the integrity to be qualified and eligible. They should be required to explain what they knew and when they knew it before the deal goes forward.
Luminati and Triple Five were a match made in heaven.
Wake up Riverhead before we become a subsidiary of the Ghermezians.
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